We provide answers to all the dimensions of cibersecurity

Our product and service offerings merge two perspectives: trust and security. We build trust in any process that involves a digital information system and create the security that everything is secure and protected. Our technology areas are built through these two perspectives.

Cybersecurity 360 º

We offer a wide range of unique products and services designed to address every facet of cybersecurity, in line with the standards of the NIST framework. Our offerings range from advanced technology solutions to specialized consulting services, all with the goal of ensuring the comprehensive protection of our clients' digital assets. Our comprehensive approach not only meets today's security needs, but proactively anticipates and responds to emerging threats in the ever-evolving digital landscape.
  • DefinitiveID®
  • Wise DID Authenticator
  • Blockchain Stamper
  • Offensive cybersecurity services
  • Joy Journey
  • Wise CSOC
  • Wise CSOC

Blockchain, security, simplicity and data self-sovereignty.

Definitive ID® and Wise DID Authenticator offer a decentralised solution with blockchain technology that preserves privacy. Gartner reaffirms our innovation.

Our Case Studies


Wise Security Formula

The Wise Security formula integrates technological excellence, constant innovation and strength to lead in technology and cyber security. At the core of our business, we put people at the centre providing trust, security and care in every aspect of our development.

Certifications and partners

We want to improve, to be a benchmark in technological development, trust and CSR. That is why we seek the support of the best technological partners and relevant international institutions that endorse our solutions and trajectory.

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A Var Group Company

We are part of something big. At Var Group we accompany companies in their digital evolution process. We have a strong leadership in digital security through one of its specialised business units: Digital Security

Contact us and discover our tailored technological solutions and services