  • Pharma
  • Case Study

Faes Farma



In the context of teleworking, Faes Farma wants to accelerate the digital transformation and secure the home networks of the homes of its most sensitive workforce against possible cyber threats that put the company at risk. Thanks to Wise Security's Haunt Keeper technology, the company becomes aware of its real vulnerabilities, can anticipate to prevent an attack and reaffirms its commitment to cybersecurity. As a result, it improves its reputation and increases customer confidence. Prevents cybersecurity incidents, easily and simply as it is a Plug&Play device.  Allows monitoring of new networks and alerts in case of incidents. 24/7 support.

The history

Faes Farma is a Spanish pharmaceutical company with an extensive international track record that researches, produces and markets pharmaceutical products in numerous countries. It employs more than 1,680 people worldwide and its manufacturing and research headquarters are in Leoia (Bizkaia). The group had a turnover in 2020 of 380 million euros.

The challenge

Due to the implementation of teleworking and the exodus to homes during the pandemic, Faes Farma must accelerate its digital transformation plan. With Wise, it plans to secure the networks in the homes of management staff. It needs to move its cybersecurity measures to the homes of its most sensitive staff. In this way, it will be able to take a more holistic view of the company's cybersecurity.Pharma is a sector that has clear compliance regulations and good manufacturing practices, and this leads Faes Farma to have a high level of inherent security. The increase in cyber-attacks on this sector in recent years due to teleworking has meant that the group's management is more aware of protecting the group's assets.

"Haunt Keeper has given us a more comprehensive view of cybersecurity." JAIME LÓPEZ - CIO of FAES FARMA

The solution

Faes Farma has signed a collaboration agreement with Wise Security, a technology company that has developed Haunt Keeper, a device that secures the internet network of its employees' homes. If a security alert occurs in the telecommuting environment within the home, it is recorded. The alert immediately reaches the Wise team, which manages, blocks the alerts and provides specific support to each user.

  1. Creates a new secure network (WiFi or wired) that prevents cybersecurity incidents and incorporates the security measures of a corporate network, such as firewalling, intrusion detection, content filtering, etc.
  2. It performs a segmentation so that the work devices, those containing sensitive information, are connected from a shielded network. The rest of the elements operate in the usual way, in parallel, outside this secure network.
  3. Protects against attacks that enter through the Internet, such as key capture or malware domains.
  4. It covers the security that the antivirus does not reach by analyzing the network and the infrastructure.
  5. Protects an entire network of work devices, unlike the antivirus that works in isolation.
  6. Covers more than a VPN connection and protects free Internet browsing.

"Haunt Keeper has given us peace of mind so that Management and Administration staff who connect from home have a secure corporate environment." JAIME LÓPEZ - CIO of FAES FARMA. Haunt Keeper segments teleworking devices, isolating them from other home devices used for leisure. It creates a secure home network that alerts you to potential threats that put your telework and your company at risk.

The benefits

Prevents cybersecurity incidents, such as theft of corporate information and credentials, as well as increases brand reputation and trust, and protects knowledge and the manufacturing environment. It is a plug&play appliance that is simple for anyone in the workforce to install and is supported 24/7 by Wise Security. Haunt Keeper allows Faes Farma's CIO to have control of the company's security, having access to alerts of anomalous behavior affecting the company's security.